We take decaf coffee seriously! Just like all our other coffees our Decaf selection is sourced seasonally and will change two to three times a year.

Our latest Seasonal Decaf is a sweet and well balanced blend from the highlands of the Capitán municipality of Chiapas. 

Our tasting notes: Liquorice, creamy, butter biscuits

Producers - Capitán small holders
Altitude - 1500-1800 MASL
Varietal - Oro Azteca, Typica
Harvest - January - April
Process - Washed. Mountain Water Decaffeination. 
It's a wonderful all-rounder and easy drinker; tasting great as a filter and equally at home when brewed as espresso.

Decaffeinated coffee should never feel like an afterthought; we get incredible feedback on ours and this latest selection is another one we're very proud of - we don't think you'd know it was decaffeinated if it wasn't on the label! 

Mountain Water Decaf

This coffee is sourced in the Mazateca region and then decaffeinated in Veracruz using the Mountain Water Process. With the decaffeination process done at origin in Mexico (instead of in Europe or Canada) we can avoid multiple ocean freight routes - which means this coffee has a reduced impact on the environment.

The water used in this chemical-free decaffeination flows from Mexico’s highest volcano, Pico de Orizaba, peaking at 5,636 masl.

Green coffee beans are immersed in the crystal clear water of Pico de Orizaba. In this steam bath, the pores of the grain are opened and the organoleptic attributes, acids and caffeine are extracted.

The resulting solution is passed through a special filter, which separates the caffeine-laden water from the liquid containing the palette of aromas, flavors and acids.

This system helps remove approximately 99% of the caffeine originally found in the beans, but without taking away the coffee’s flavours, aromas and characteristics.

After that, the oils and the original properties of the coffee (already without caffeine) are returned to the beans. Finally, the coffee must be dried, packaged, and shipped to us here to be roasted and enjoyed!


Our Oaxaca Decaf was sourced with the help of Ensambles, a new relationship for us, we’re delighted to share their coffee with you for the very first time.

Ensambles are based in the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Veracruz, working year-round with groups of small-scale coffee growers to develop and strengthen relationships in order to provide better opportunities for producers.

Ensambles has set up a regional operation in la Mazateca in order to buy parchment directly from nearby smallholders, while providing direct feedback and technical assistance in the field. They’re able to provide farmers with training, assist with farm management, nutrition, soil health, pest control, wet milling, and sensory analysis.