‘Rugembe’ is a micro-lot from Zephyrin and Thomas; two small holders working with Migoti Coffee, a social enterprise founded and managed by two Burundians. 

In the cup - Rugembe is balanced and clean with a really juicy acidity - lovely fresh notes of apple and grape and a wonderful toffee sweetness.

Our Tasting Notes: Apple, grape and toffee 

 Producer: Zephyrin Banzubaze with Thomas Kurumbone at Migoti

Region: Gomvyi, Bujumbura, Western Burundi

Process: Washed and sun dried

Varietal: Red Bourbon

 Sitting just under the equator Burundi is a small and mountainous origin where coffee is abundant. Migoti are doing amazing work here, connecting coffee growers to coffee roasters and helping to develop the local community and economy. 

Zephyrin Banzubaze manages the processing at Migoti mill and Thomas Kurumbone was the lead farmer contributing cherry to the lot we have selected. Thomas has around 410 coffee trees yielding around 2000KG of coffee.  

Sourcing in Burundi ...

Burundi is among the smallest coffee-producing countries in East Africa, with a population of 10.5 million that is endowed with ideal conditions for coffee production: elevations of 1500 - 2000 m, Arabica Bourbon coffee trees, abundant rainfall, and approximately 800,000 families who cultivate an average of 150-200 coffee trees per farm.

Arabica coffee now represents virtually 100% of Burundi's national production and the bourbon variety grown at high elevations in Burundi is characteristically sweet with bright acidity, big body, floral, citrus and spiced with wild notes.

Migoti Coffee Company takes its name from the indigenous tree that grows in the area, as well as the name of the hill on which they built their first washing station. The directors, Dan Brose and Pontien Ntunzwenimana, whose backgrounds are both in engineering, set up the company in 2015. Their goal was to help restart coffee production in the country after a devastating 12-year civil war. They have been an important part of helping the local community rebuild. In 2017 Zephyrn Banzubaze joined them, bringing a wealth of experience to help inform their practices.

Since then, Migoti have focused resources on teaching farmers about best practices, increasing yields and improving coffee quality.