OCA Blend

Sale price£7.25

Oca is our version of a ‘house blend’. We wanted to create a coffee that was super-easy to brew with and would satisfy a wide range of tastes.


Chocolate, hazelnut, biscuit. Full bodied with mellow acidity.

Grind Type: Whole Beans

Grind Type

Bag Size: 250g

Bag Size


Daterra, Jasal


Minas Gerais, Brazil, Santa Ana, El Salvador


Various. See below


1150 - 1300


Various. See below


Natural, Washed


Oca is a really accessible coffee, it can be enjoyed with or without milk, any time of the day - morning, noon or night.

The name Oca refers to a kind of communal space - an Oca was a traditional Brazilian dwelling that could be shared by different families. The Oca would typically feature several doorways in and out, with no internal divisions. Built by the community, for the community.


Comprising a naturally processed coffee from the Daterra estate in Brazil and a washed coffee from our friend Andres Salaverría’s farm in Santa Ana El Salvador.

Oca is roasted a little slower than our other coffees, it’s also the only coffee we pre-blend before roasting - we have found the results to be more consistent in this case.

The bean densities are very similar; the altitude that the two different coffees were grown at is pretty close; this could also explain why pre-blending works well with these coffees.